The lab’s purpose:
Teaching of industrial material handling and assembly robots. Doing research regarding the robotisation of industrial systems. Image processing tasks to be done by using picking-and-placing robots. Use and control of conveyor built around the robot arm. Program designing and configuration tasks in HMI systems. Research regarding the production process optimisation-analysation. Planning and using of gripping systems with rapid prototype technology. CIM systems teaching and integration possibilities research.
The lab’s competence:
KUKA industrial welder/material handling use and control of robots. Create image processing and robot programming tasks of picking-and-placing robot FANUC. Application of Scara assembly unit with the use of conveyor systems. Verifications to be made regarding the functioning of the robot system’s.
Human machine communication analysis, in intelligent spaces where humans and robots are together, and work together.
The lab’s sponsors and partners:
- The lab is sponsored by Kuka Robotics HungáriaIpariKft, the ABB Mérnöki, KereskedelmiésSzolgáltatóKft, the Robot-X Hungary Kft, and the Flexlink Systems Kft.
The lab’s equipment, tools:
- In the lab there are 16 robot workshops and 32 students can work at the same time. In the lab there is a TTT Q-bot which has 3 axis multitasking robot, one KR5arc KUKA industrial robot, one KR5Sxx KUKA teaching robot, and one robot built in a factory cell with a contractor connected to the SONY SCARA SRX-611 can be found. The robots are connected by a Flexlink X45e conveyor. FANUC M-1iA 0.5Apicking-and-placing robot.
- For teaching we have available another 8 pieces of LEGO MINDSTORM robots and 16 self made Fischertechnik production line made out of batteries, and FESTO Robotino robot.
- In the lab we have the KUKA.Sim Pro software which can be used for the offline programming and simulation of KUKA-Robots