Mechatronincs Engineering MSc

Students can only use software for any university assignment / project / thesis for which the university has a valid license (in the given period)! This is the consultant's responsibility! In the case of an industrial project, the company must provide a valid license!

Thesis and State exam information (MSc)

As a final of the MSc program the students make a Thesis.

Sample of a Thesis


The Subjects of Thesis

The prerequisite of registration on Thesis II is that a student completed all the subjects of the first academic year conceded in the model curriculum in the previous closed semesters. The prerequisite of the subject Thesis II is a completed Thesis I course. In justified cases the subjects of Thesis I and Thesis II can be registered on in the same semester with the admission of the Head of Department and the supervisor’s proposal. In this case a student have to produce such great performance that is proportionate to 15 weeks multiple 24 hours per week that is equal with 360 hours of work so that the subjects can be completed with a grade conceded by the supervisor. The criteria for completing the subjects are determined by the subject supervisor.

The selected topic must be announced on a Thesis topic announcement form. This document must be signed by the referee and the supervisor before handing in and the parts of the task to be developed must be designated too.

The student has to make his/her Thesis within the framework of Thesis I and Thesis II subjects. The student can make a Thesis of a topic conceded from an outer firm (from an internship place or other companies) approved and announced by the Department or of a topic announced by the Department according to the student’s choice. The topic of a Thesis can be a continued topic for example of an essay to the Scientific Students' Associations (SSA). This Thesis is not equivalent of the Thesis on BSc training. 
This Thesis is the evidence that a candidate has completed all the requirements of a scientific field (here: mechatronical sciences) and he/she is capable to perform any engineering tasks at the highest level and to control assigned BSc graduated engineers or to launch individual scientific researches. Therefore the requirements for content of the Thesis are much more advanced level.

There is a significant rule that to quote or transfer parts from the student’s earlier written thesis is forbidden but it can be relied on. Quotation and transfer is permitted from earlier works to NCSSA by the student with appropriate reference, if his essay to NCSSA was not used for his thesis on BSc. 



The deadline of thesis submission is 06. May 2024, 12 o’clock at noon only in E-learning!

Students must submit their Thesis in 1 copy on the day of the final exam to Gabriella Kövér, Building B, 1st floor, 4th office! The Thesis Announcement form must be attached at the beginning of the dissertation.

Link to E-learning:

The Department of Mechatronics shall accept theses submitted strictly on time. There is no possibility for extension. 

Documents required for the confidentiality procedure:

    The Structure of theThesis:

    • Top cover: the title is „Thesis”, the student’s name and the academic year must be included
    • Inner cover: The name of the university, the faculty, the major, the writer’s name, the title of the thesis and the year of submission, the supervisor’s and referee’s names must be included
    • The Thesis Application Sheet (original, signed by the Head of Department)
    • Thesis evaluation sheet (only one of the copies has to include it which remains at the department)
    • Plagiarism Statement and a fine quality (passport) photo not older than one year
    • Table of contents
    • Abstract of the thesis (in English and in Hungarian too. Note: the Hungarian version should be prepared by your supervisor.)
    • Main part

      1. Introduction: representation of the task, the purpose of the thesis, justification of the task, a short summary about the structure of the thesis. (maximum of 3 pages).

      2. Theoretical summary (minimum of 30 pages): Literary and theoretical summary of the thesis topic. Theoretical summary is a constructed summary on the basis of the latest publications on the thesis topic that introduces what theory,others’ previously presentedresearch results, experiments, engineering creations were applied to the thesis. Theoretical summary must include the required theoretical derivations (with right references), the familiar scientific and/or engineering results. Theoretical summary must be written on the basis of at least 30 vocational books, articles, conference, of which a maximum of one third can be internet resource. (These publication data bases can be entered from computers registered to the university network.: IEEExploreeiszScopusScience direct data base of the library.)

      3. Main paragraph: elaboration of the task (minimum 30 pages)

      4. Summary: evaluation of the results, introducing further possibilities of improvement.

      5. Acknowledgements for the support in task elaboration. (optional)

      6. Bibliography: guideline on the bases of ISO 690:2010, originally Mechatronics Engineers (MSc) has the right to apply the  referential formof IEEE community, that is equaled to ISO 690:2010 standard: handling references in Word documentsMS guideline

      7. Appendix (optional)

      The length of the thesis must be about 90 pages (from the cover to the appendix) line spacing is 1.5, with about 55-60 characters (including space characters) in a line. The minimum length of the thesis must be 70 pages, the maximum must be 110 pages.

      In the thesis the candidate must take care of using precise language and academic style. Variables of mathematics and physics must be displayed by cursives in the text and figures. Vector quantity in physics must be displayed by bold cursives, tensor quantity must be bold.


      A minimum five maximum six-page summarized description (summary) about the thesis must be handed in on separated sheets in one copy. The bibliography of it must contain only the literature applied in the summary. It’s relevant to know that the description does not summarize the thesis but the task has been done, therefore any reference to the thesis must be avoided, such sentences cannot be included in it like "My thesis includes 6 paragraphs." "The second part of the thesis is a literary summary." " My task was to investigate power packs inthe thesis." In case it is consequential the thesis must be listed as a source in the bibliography, its authors are the candidate himself, the supervisor and the head of the department. ([5]     Armin Masoumian, IstvánPógár, GézaHusi: FPGA Based Line Follower Robot, Thesis, Mechatronics Engineering BSc major, Faculty of Engineering, 2017.)

      The thesis and the summary both need to be written on the same CD (only one) and it must be handed in to the department. The thesis and the summary must be both in PDF and Word format on the CD.

      A state exam can be started only by a candidate whose thesis and summarized description are evaluated with ’pass’ (2 in the AW5 grading scale) by the reviewers and the department.

      Turnitin sometimes takes 24 hours to check. It is an online service, and it is quite overloaded during submission.


      State Exam

      On the basis of the curriculum of 2017 the state exam includes the following three parts: 1. written state exam, 2. oral state exam, 3. Thesis defence.

      The written state exam topics: 

      • Spatial Mechanism,
      • Electronics, and
      • Embedded Systems,
      • and all subjects of specialization!

      Tasks on the subjects of theory and methods of mechatronics developed in writing:

      TOPICS -of Cyber physical Systems 

      • Spatial mechanisms and dynamic systems
      • Electrotechnics
      • Embedded systems
      • Cyber-physical systems (Cyber security, XX in the loop systems, Modelling robots, Components of cyber physical systems)

      TOPICS for Intelligent Building and Intelligent Spaces specialization

      • Spatial mechanisms and dynamic systems
      • Electrotechnics
      • Embedded systems
      • Building Service Systems and Elements
      • Building Physics
      • Building Management Service
      • Building Automation


        2. Responding to questions after preparation on the issues related to thesis.

        3. Defense of Thesis (presentation of thesis, responding questions and comments relating to Thesis)

        Please not that the applicant present and defend the result of thesis in front of academic and industrial expert committee.

        The presentation should provide videos, photos that give evidence that the work have been done by the candidate himself/herself.

        Main parts of the presentation (10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion):

        1. The title of the thesis, the author’s name (1 slide)

        2 The content of the presentation (1 slide)

        3. Problem proposition, the task to be solved (2 slides)

        4. An approach in principle for problem solving, derivations and guidelines for physics, mechanics,electrotechnics, mechatronics, a factual summary of the applied principles, knowledge (3 slides)

        5. Introduction of the solution (main steps and results of the work (1-3 slides)

        6. The results achieved. (1-2 slides)

        7. Conclusions, proposing solutions, further improvements (1-2 slides)

        8. Appreciation (for the firm, the consultant, the supervisor etc.)  (1 slide)

        9. Response to the written review (it will be use during discussion)

        Please use the official University of Debrecen PPT formula to the PPT presentation: 

        After the presentation the committee can ask the candidate to respond to the written review and answer to some questions of the reviewer, moreover other theoretical and practical questions will be asked on the topic of the thesis. Students will get their review after the written part of the State Exam.


        Calculation of Diploma Grade (D):

        For graduands who completed the Mechatronics Engineering MSc program according to the curriculum of 2017 or after:

        D= 0.5×SE+0.5×DT, where

        SE: Average of the grades of the written state exam (A) and the 4 oral topics of the state exam (B) therefore (A+B1+B2+B3+B4)/5

        DT: Grade for defending thesis


        On the basis of the calculated average grade the classification of the award:

        Outstanding 4.81 – 5.00

        Excellent 4.51 – 4.80

        Good 3.51 – 4.50

        Satisfactory 2.51 – 3.50

        Pass 2.00 – 2.50


        Award with Distinction:

        An award with Distinction is permitted where a student obtained grade 5 in all subjects of the state exam. The average of thesis grade, his/her exam grades and mid-semester grades during his/her studies is at least 4,00. Moreover, he/she is not permitted to have a grade worse than grade 3 during his/her studies.

        Legutóbbi frissítés: 2024. 07. 31. 09:46