Information for students who started in 2016 or before

Information for students who started in 2016 or before:

Mechatronics Comprehensive Exam is made for terminating the primer subjects of Mechatronics. It must be completed not sooner than the 5th semester but not later than the 7th semester. 

Please note that you need to register for the course in Neptun sysem.  

The courses of Mechatronics Comprehensive Exam are the followings: 

  • Electrotechnics and electronics I-II,
  • Basics of Mechatronics, Mechatronics I-II,
  • Measurements and Automatics I-II,
  • Programming and Digital Techniques I-II,
  • Programmable Logic controllers I.

The comprehensive exam has a written and an oral part. In the written exam you must solve exercises and elaborate tasks and in the oral exam you pick a topic (from an envelope).  

You can register on a date of the Comprehensive Exam if all the prerequisites are completed. If you miss any of them the Mechatronics Comprehensive Exam cannot be taken.

The Department of Mechatronics is going to give at least five dates of Mechatronics Comprehensive Exam during every exam period.


SAMPLE FOR WRITTEN EXAM (Task number 1, 3 and 4 are not part of the comprehensive exam)

Legutóbbi frissítés: 2023. 09. 05. 15:04